- Approach by keeping on the middle path",, and so following a Confucian method -

Presenting first solo set - a first section - with a summer breeze

Centre the form and use the waist to develop projected action with stepping roots

Any Confucian might agree

that "The Way that You become has No Way. The way that you see is not the way".

In this style with its Confucian roots a spitiual form can develop.

As humans we inhabit a body/mind and are given to the world at birth with a spiritual orientation. The practise of the progress key is to become the experience of expressing a human and cosmological form. In this we are unbounded; the infinite is emptied and the way is lost.

Longevity and health imply that it is essential to practise the development of inner life.

The virtue of essential human disposition in Taoist terms is the ability to think without end. Purposelessness points to openness and benevolence in change.

Some choose a quietist approach others more active. Both are the same.
